To raise awareness about Breast Cancer the Medical Teaching Institution Hayatabad Medical Complex (MTI-HMC) Peshawar has started a walk-in breast screening facility. The walk-in screening facility will be available in the hospital from Monday to Friday starting at 8 am to 2 pm during the month of October. Regarding the walk-in screening facility, Chairperson Radiology Department MTI-HMC Associate Professor Dr. Mehreen says that breast cancer is a life-threatening disease found in women, so its timely diagnosis is very important, considering the importance of diagnosis in Hayatabad Medical Complex Peshawar modern technology of 3d mammogram is used for screening. According to Dr. Mehreen, half of the women affected by breast cancer in Pakistan die due to late diagnosis, so early screening helps to save lives. It should be remembered that due to an extraordinary rush in MTI-HMC Peshawar on normal days, patients take appointments for mammography screening facilities, while this month a walk-in screening facility has been started to increase awareness among women.