Delegates of EU and UNHCR stationed in Afghanistan visit and commend services at Medical Teaching Institute Hayatabad Medical Complex Peshawar Senior Delegates of the European Union (EU) & UNHCR stationed in Afghanistan along with UNHCR RAHA Pakistan visited the Medical Teaching Institute Hayatabad Medical Complex Peshawar (MTI-HMC) here on Tuesday. The visit was aimed at highlighting the impact of the joint working of HMC and the UN refugee agency and the EU. The delegation commended the efforts of the Government of Pakhtunkhwa and its people for graciously hosting Afghan refugees. The delegation was impressed with the diverse nature of specialized services provided by the HMC amidst the heavy influx of patients and the recent Covid pandemic. The delegation comprised Jan Mattke, International Aid Cooperation Officer, Migration and Forced Displacement, EU Afghanistan, Taheemi Thammannagoda, Head of Office Pakistan and Iran EU/ECHO Pakistan, Aoife Mcdonnell, Senior External Relations Officer UNHCR, and others. Medical Director Professor Shehzad Akbar Khan briefly apprised the delegation about the MTI HMC and its constituent institutes. He explained how MTI-HMC enjoyed a partnership that spans over a decade with a significant impact on the health care of Afghan Refugees in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Professor Shehzad Akbar thanked UNHCR and the EU for their wide range of support in the treatment of thalassemia patients and for improving diagnostic services in one of the premier institutes of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. He highlighted areas for future collaboration between MTI HMC & UNHCR and EU, especially the new Casualty and Trauma block at MTI-HMC which is expected to complete very soon. It is important to mention here that Afghan Refugees are treated indiscriminately and generously at the health facilities of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. MTI-HMC has provided healthcare services to 236456 Afghan citizens in the Emergency and Out Patient Department (OPD) including 1123 in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) during the year 2021-22. Later 128 slice CT scan was formally handed over to the Hospital Director HMC Dr. Shahzad Faisal and a memorandum of understanding was also signed during the visit. The delegation also visited different sections of the hospital including Gastroenterology, Hematology day-care center, and Radiology departments, and appreciated the advanced facilities at the hospital. The Hospital Director thanked UNHCR & EU on behalf of the Board of Governors for their continuous support.