Dr. Rafi-ur-Rehamn
Associate ProfessorAssociate Professor of Anesthesia
- Education
- Award & Recognitions
Associate Professor of Anesthesia
1. Pain Management Following Laparoscopic Cholecystectoriy Ketorolac versus Intraperitoneal Bupivacaine KIMS:
Published May-Augu st,20t7,v ol -10,No: 2,244-248
2. Epidural Analgesia following upper abdominal Surgery:Ropivacaine versus Ropivacaine plus Tramadol.KlMS:
Published May-August, 2 0 L 6,vol.9,N o:2,202-20 6
3. Comparison of mean Induction time and emergence from Anesthesia between Sevorane and Hal othane in childern.|.med. Sci. 2 0 L6,2 4 :(4)268-27 2
4. Evaluation of Complications with Blind Interlaminar Epidural Steroid Injection. J.Med.Sci.J an,2013,Yol,No : 1, 3 1, 3 4
5. Onset of Epidural Analgesia :Trial for Comparison of Bupivacaine with Bupivacaine Plus Sodium Bicarbonate for Elective Vaginal Hysterectomy' JSOGP,2012,Vo1.2No,03.150-154 - Address
- HMC Peshawar
- Phone
- rafiurrehman@mtihmc.edu.pk
- Website
- www.hmckp.gov.pk